
A short (non-exhaustive) list of people who put great stuff on the internet and consistently help me learn new things.

March 24, 2024 · 1 min · Arduin Findeis

Recommendations for AI news aggregators

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is moving fast. Keeping up with the vast number of new research papers on your own is daunting: scrolling through twitter all day does not seem like a good use of time. Below is a number of AI news aggregators that I personally use to get curated updates of AI developments on a regular basis without spending all my time looking at papers: Last week in AI (newsletter/podast) by Andrey Kurenkov, Jacky Liang et al: weekly updates on the latest AI research development. Also available as a podcast. Guide to AI (newsletter) by Nathan Benaich: in-depth monthly analysis of AI developments, from a commercial/startup/venture capital lense. Import AI (newsletter) by Jack Clark: provides a regular stream of very interesting research papers, with detailed summaries.

February 29, 2024 · 1 min · Arduin Findeis